I was born on May 9TH, 1980 in Tehran. I am raised in an ordinary family with an older sister. My parents were both employees of Telecommunication Company of Iran.
I spent my childhood in the strange years of the sixties and my adolescence coincided with the transition years of the seventies in Iran.
I studied mathematics in high school and studied electrical engineering for my bachelor’s degree. However, since then I have been concerned about social and political issues, and later on about economic issues and future of Iran. In the early eighties, I continued my graduate studies in Electrical Engineering and meanwhile worked in several engineering companies active in the field of information technology and communication.
When I was young, I played the tar for a few years, and my interest in Iranian traditional music continued until today. Since I was passionate about writing, I started blogging at the age of 20 and for many years I wrote about art, literature, politics, and Iran on my blog named “Raz-e no”.
Gradually, I became more interested in these fields by getting involved in managerial activities and investments in my working environment. In 2009, at the age of 29, I studied MBA and became even more interested in managerial and economic subjects. In 2011, I decided to quit my job in the field of information technology and to follow my passion for business analysis, which was a turning point in my professional life. In 2013, I continued my education and studied DBA. At the same time, I started my activities in the field of analysis, economic consulting and business development.
I got married in 2013 and I have two children named Bamdad and Maya whom I love dearly.
In 2014, I founded Bamdad Institute of Economic Studies, and my focus over these years has been on developing the economic, financial, and managerial capabilities of Iranian private sector.